Unleash the Power of Your Fintech Investments

Technical Services

Technical Services

Forms Optimization | Batch Optimization | Performance & Stability | Cloud Migration

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.
— Clive James, Broadcaster and Journalist

Forms Optimization

Electronic documents are attached to many transactions and processes. If they are populated fully and accurately and configured properly, they enable great service. However, we have seen incomplete documents, disorganized lists for users to navigate and cumbersome work-arounds that degrade the service you provide and create frustration with users. We have experts that know how to populate your electronic documents more completely and accurately. If there is data in the system and a place for it on a document we can figure out how to automate the population. We can also organize the selection lists so users don’t need to think about which documents are needed for every transaction or process.

We can also run your WMF to PDF conversion program with minimal resources and time needed from your team.

Batch Optimization

Financial institutions need their overnight processing to be fast and reliable. Our experts have deep experience in the nightly batch processing and how to make it run as fast as possible. We can also help you with testing as your vendor changes the technology or you change schedulers.

Performance & Stability

Your core banking platform is the heartbeat of your financial institution so when your end-users start to verbalize their heart ache about the performance of your platform, it is time to pay attention to the noise and get a checkup. Our team of experts can double-click on the problems, assess root cause and get a regular system EKG.

Cloud Migration

We can assist your institution to deploy DNA in the Public Cloud in your tenant so you have complete control of the data and can locate the technology close to your end users. Thinking through the complexity of this lift and shift of your core will require a lot of planning and analysis to get it right and avoid costly mistakes.